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Empowering Communities: The Transformative Impact of the Best Tourism Villages Initiative

The Best Tourism Villages initiative by UN Tourism, formerly known as the World Tourism Organization, is a significant step in the evolution of sustainable and rural tourism. Launched in 2021, this innovative programme aims to identify, recognise, and promote villages that exemplify the principles of sustainability, cultural richness, and community involvement in tourism.

By Rail: UK to Gothenburg, Sweden

Embark on an unforgettable rail journey, the low-carbon way, from London through the heart of Europe as we kickstart our Sustainable Journeys adventure en route to The Baltics, stopping in Brussels, Warsaw before arriving in Vilnius, Lithuania. From Vilnius you’ll join The Baltics by Electric Car trip. Then, if you’d rather not fly, take the slow environmentally kinder way home leaving Tallin and stopping over in Stockholm, Hamburg and Brussels on your way back to London.

By Rail: Gothenburg, Sweden to UK

Embark on an unforgettable rail journey, the low-carbon way, from London through the heart of Europe as we kickstart our Sustainable Journeys adventure en route to The Baltics, stopping in Brussels, Warsaw before arriving in Vilnius, Lithuania. From Vilnius you’ll join The Baltics by Electric Car trip. Then, if you’d rather not fly, take the slow environmentally kinder way home leaving Tallin and stopping over in Stockholm, Hamburg and Brussels on your way back to London.

Water’s healing power sustains Finland’s body and soul

It’s seven in the evening, early July, and I’m sitting on a jetty on the edge of a lake in eastern Finland, dressed only in a towel around my waist. Occasionally an agreeable waft of birch wood smoke drifts over my head from the sauna, located at the top of a short flight of wooden steps. The lake is settling into a glassy mirror, but the sun is still high in the warm northern sky.
