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Sustainable Horizons: Lonely Planet

Global travel authority Lonely Planet has unveiled its annual hotlist of trending destinations for the coming year. To mark its 50th anniversary, Best in Travel 2024 has expanded from the top 10 best cities, countries, and regions to include two new categories of best value and best sustainable destinations, recognising a total of 50 locations across the globe offering amazing experiences to enjoy in 2024.

To Fly or Not to Fly: That is the Sustainability Question

Being deeply entrenched in the Sustainable Journeys ethos of sustainable tourism, I often confront a pressing dilemma: should we continue to embrace air travel, or is it time to firmly clip our wings for the sake of our planet? The allure of air travel is undeniable. It serves as the lifeblood of modern economies, pulsating through remote areas where the tarmac is a distant dream.
