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Do Labels Matter in Sustainability?

Call it what you will – green, eco, responsible or sustainable travel – we want to know that everything we’re doing, where we’re staying and what we’re eating is not having a detrimental impact on the beautiful places we’re visiting. We also want to know that our time spent in the destination will contribute directly to the local economy and benefit its communities.

Finnish Food Locally Sourced

I’m looking out of my window in Helsinki just after Christmas at a fabulous frost-bound fantasy. The boughs of the birch tree in our yard are drooping under heavy snow and a knee-deep carpet of white extends to the street. An enormous hare, its fur turned seasonally pale, is nibbling at the seeds I’ve scattered for the birds.

Respect Marquette County: Sustainable Tourism in Action

In the heart of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula lies Marquette County, a hidden gem where the splendour of dense forests, tranquil lakes, and quaint historic towns converge. This idyllic destination has long beckoned travellers with its promise of adventure and cultural richness. However, as its popularity as a tourist hotspot grows, so does the need for sustainable and respectful tourism practices.

A rich food history and bright, sustainable future for Marquette, Michigan

Let’s not start talking about Marquette, Michigan’s robust, innovative farm-to-table scene without first establishing a shared lexicon—we need to pin down words like tenacity, grit, and maybe even gumption. This is the language that captures what it’s like to stare down a growing season strangled by epic winters, the supply chain challenges of living three hours off the nearest interstate, and still have the farmer’s audacity to say…

West Sweden and Sustainability

By Sarah Baxter Sitting outside their 19th-century farmhouse, Pia Åkesson and Jesper Persson shared a plate of fresh-baked cinnamon buns and their take on the world. “Sustainability is just our lifestyle,” they explained without fuss or fanfare. “We do it in a quiet way. But we wanted to show there are different ways of living. […]

West Sweden by Electric Vehicle

I like trains. And buses. Ferries and trams are excellent too. Especially in West Sweden, where such things work extremely well, and offer great green ways to get about. But you can’t deny the flexibility of the motorcar; the extra freedom that having your own wheels grants. Fortunately, West Sweden has this option covered too.
